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Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Maw

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Emfulz.com v.7
Wondering why I haven't posted something new in a few days? Yea I thought so, but I'll tell you anyway. I've been working hard on making my blog look better to the 'few' viewers that come here. It's taking me longer then I'd like but I'm slowly getting there. So in the next few days I should have this fully done to v1 and start doing my daily or so posts on bull shit.
If you are wondering why I am calling this Emfulz.com v.7, it's that v1 is not here yet. When you see that the 'Attention' text leave the front page, then you are looking at v1 of my blog. Now if you see it, then read it.
This is just an update post and if you have any comments, suggestions, and such then please post them for me to read. I need input on what to make better. Now go back on your way and get to work! :D
If you are wondering why I am calling this Emfulz.com v.7, it's that v1 is not here yet. When you see that the 'Attention' text leave the front page, then you are looking at v1 of my blog. Now if you see it, then read it.
This is just an update post and if you have any comments, suggestions, and such then please post them for me to read. I need input on what to make better. Now go back on your way and get to work! :D

Monday, February 22, 2010
Duke Nukem 3D 100%
Duke Nukem 3D is my 6th Xbox Live Arcade game that I have completed 100%. I'm not a very big completionist but when I seen those achievements on this game I decided to just go for them all, and I did. They take long to get but with determination you can grab them all. Now listen to me brag about how I love games and achievements. :p

Duke Nukem 3D

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Mass Effect: Redemption
Mass Effect: Redemption is a four-issue comic series, written by BioWare Lead Writer Mac Walters, scripted by John Jackson Miller, and drawn by Omar Francia. It was announced on July 21, 2009, and the first issue was released on January 6, 2010. The first issue is also available to those who order the Mass Effect 2 Collector's Edition.
The story takes readers through the events leading up to Mass Effect 2. "The narrative in Mass Effect: Redemption picks up just as Commander Shepard disappears and is left without the support of the crew on the Normandy in the lawless Terminus Systems. Shepard must fight for survival, and will be assisted by close companion, Dr. Liara T'Soni, to come home alive." The events that follow will expose readers to new locations, aliens and extended storyline in the Mass Effect universe. The cover for Issue #2 features a new and soon-to-be-revealed salarian character, while the picture of a drell character is featured on the cover of issue #3. Via: Mass Effect Wiki

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Aliens vs Predator
I'm back from playing too many games and getting my wisdom teeth removed. Today I got the new and improved game AvP from Rebellion. I played a few matches online and played the first campaign level of the Marines and I think it's awesome. The multiplayer needs to faster so you can get into games much quicker but other then that I'd give this game a 8.5/10, the same score that OXM has. I still suck at playing the Xenomorphs but I love the Infestation game mode, which brings back the memories of playing Zombies on Halo 2. I recommend anyone to pick this game up that loves Source games, the movies, or just loves to play some 'Zombies'. Add me if you want to play some time. I'll be playing AvP, Arcade games, Mass Effect 1 + 2, and soon BF: BC2.

Thursday, February 04, 2010
Splosion Man

Aliens vs Predator Demo Hits
Around 12 hours ago the anticipated demo hit the Xbox Live Marketplace, and hundreds of people rushed to download. I was right on top of it and waited all night for that demo to hit, what a shame right? Well it's not and I'm glad I did because it's so thrilling. The demo has it's ups and downs but demos aren't meant to be perfect nor do they reflect what the final game will be, it's just there for people to play and wanting to buy it more.
When I downloaded the demo I was all psyched out and thinking what will it be all about and 10 minutes later the demo finished and I got lucky and played as the Predator in my first match. It's lucky because every game you get a random species but have the option to change it. The problem is that there can only be 4 Aliens and 2 Predators at a time so that's why it's lucky to become a Predator, because everyone wants to be it.
The Predator is awesome but somewhat hard to get the hang of because he has so many abilities and 3 different vision modes. The vision modes are what helps you see the certain species better. The red is for the predators, the green is for the aliens, and the blue goes to the marines. The problem I say that it's hard to get used to is that you have to constantly keep switching between these, unless you have good eye sight. Just imagine how too powerful the predator would be if he had all 3 into 1. The weapons are sweet and fun to use as the predator. Who doesn't want to throw a combi stick through an alien? You get to choose from the Combi Stick, Smart Disc, Proximity Mine, and the Plasma Catter which all have to be found on the map besides your Wristblades. 1 other thing is that your cloak never goes away but if you sprint it fades in and out and also when you attack it goes away till you reactivate it.
The Marines are just your basic humans, which in the demo it's not good to play as since it's all FFA and Humans must stay together to survive I think. The Marines start off with a Pulse Rifle and a Pistol while the Shotgun, Smartgun, Flamethrower, and Scoped Rifle have to be found on the map. You really never have to use your pistol because the Pulse Rifle has 99 bullets in it's clip so it's really useless. You also get a Motion Tracker so you can see who's coming next to you. There's really nothing else about a Marine besides that they will be awesome to play as in a Team game, but as FFA you are better off with the Alien or Predator.
Last but not least is the infamous Aliens that love to slice you open with there tail. The Aliens are swift but have the lowest amount of health, probably because they are meant to be the Assassins. Aliens are a deadly species if you know how to use them correctly, and can be unstoppable to others. A few things to know about the Aliens is that they have no weapons but who needs weapons when you execute? They can see any species that are close enough even through walls, they climb on all surfaces, and there Heavy Attacks are unstoppable. If I can not be a Predator then I turn to the Aliens because I love to just hang out and then attack like an assassin in the dark.
Now the Demo only has 1 Map which is dark and lays it's advantages towards the aliens, 1 Game mode that is just a Free For All Deathmatch, and 1 Skin for each species. The way the demo looks is that you earn XP to unlock extra skins for the Species, which is awesome because I'd hate it to play out like Gears of War 2 did and earn you nothing besides just a rank. If you have something to look forward to then it's so much better. Below you will find a few screenshots of the Species and a video. Have fun.

Download The Demo Now
When I downloaded the demo I was all psyched out and thinking what will it be all about and 10 minutes later the demo finished and I got lucky and played as the Predator in my first match. It's lucky because every game you get a random species but have the option to change it. The problem is that there can only be 4 Aliens and 2 Predators at a time so that's why it's lucky to become a Predator, because everyone wants to be it.
The Predator is awesome but somewhat hard to get the hang of because he has so many abilities and 3 different vision modes. The vision modes are what helps you see the certain species better. The red is for the predators, the green is for the aliens, and the blue goes to the marines. The problem I say that it's hard to get used to is that you have to constantly keep switching between these, unless you have good eye sight. Just imagine how too powerful the predator would be if he had all 3 into 1. The weapons are sweet and fun to use as the predator. Who doesn't want to throw a combi stick through an alien? You get to choose from the Combi Stick, Smart Disc, Proximity Mine, and the Plasma Catter which all have to be found on the map besides your Wristblades. 1 other thing is that your cloak never goes away but if you sprint it fades in and out and also when you attack it goes away till you reactivate it.
The Marines are just your basic humans, which in the demo it's not good to play as since it's all FFA and Humans must stay together to survive I think. The Marines start off with a Pulse Rifle and a Pistol while the Shotgun, Smartgun, Flamethrower, and Scoped Rifle have to be found on the map. You really never have to use your pistol because the Pulse Rifle has 99 bullets in it's clip so it's really useless. You also get a Motion Tracker so you can see who's coming next to you. There's really nothing else about a Marine besides that they will be awesome to play as in a Team game, but as FFA you are better off with the Alien or Predator.
Last but not least is the infamous Aliens that love to slice you open with there tail. The Aliens are swift but have the lowest amount of health, probably because they are meant to be the Assassins. Aliens are a deadly species if you know how to use them correctly, and can be unstoppable to others. A few things to know about the Aliens is that they have no weapons but who needs weapons when you execute? They can see any species that are close enough even through walls, they climb on all surfaces, and there Heavy Attacks are unstoppable. If I can not be a Predator then I turn to the Aliens because I love to just hang out and then attack like an assassin in the dark.
Now the Demo only has 1 Map which is dark and lays it's advantages towards the aliens, 1 Game mode that is just a Free For All Deathmatch, and 1 Skin for each species. The way the demo looks is that you earn XP to unlock extra skins for the Species, which is awesome because I'd hate it to play out like Gears of War 2 did and earn you nothing besides just a rank. If you have something to look forward to then it's so much better. Below you will find a few screenshots of the Species and a video. Have fun.
Download The Demo Now

Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Xbox Live Zune Rant
A little rant is about to take place here, so prepare yourself with enough fire power to take down a zombie army.
Lately I've been actually watching more movies and television then playing video games, probably because there is Red Box 1 block away from my house and I've been getting into all these new TV shows out there. Since I wanted to see the new American Pie movie on my TV and the Red Box does not have it, I decided to go to the Xbox Live Movie Marketplace, Zune. I searched for it, found it, refused to pay the outrageous fee for it. You get to keep the movie for 24 hours when renting after you pressed play. I used to rent from Zune because it was cheaper then heading down to Movie Gallery and picking one up there, after you added the gas price in with it.
I refused to pay for this movie because you have to pay 320MSP just for the Standard Definition, which adds up to around $4USD. I could easily just walk down a block and rent 4 new movies (not including tax) for the same price. Why do they think this is a good idea? Well it's Microsoft. I believe there TV Shows are the same way. It'd probably be cheaper just to go out and buy the Season on DvD (or blu-ray) and you could also watch it anytime, anywhere, anyplace you want. I think this is ridiculous and MS needs to revise there prices before it's too late, Red Box is taking over the Movie business.
Now the final part to the Zune is the Music Video section, and ohh-muh-gawd is it awful! You can watch the Music Videos for free through YouTube or you can set up the Media Center from your PC to the Xbox and watch some that way, at least I do. I think it's ridiculous (again) how you have to pay $1-$2 for a Music Video now, but when it first launched on the Pre-NXE it was free. I don't understand how things work in the media business but I know for a fact that these prices do not bring in a lot of revenue. Hell the Red vs Blue episodes cost money on Zune while you go to there site and you can watch for free, or even better yet, buy the Box Set and DvDs for a lot cheaper then what Zune offers. I'm hoping that Microsoft fixes the prices in the future to lower them, but that's like asking someone to jump off a mountain with no parachute. Would you do it?
That's it for now, stay tuned for the next rant which will be talking about the Xbox Live Game Marketplace, oh please help us.
Prices all come down to $4 per Standard Definition Movie, $2 per TV Show Episode, and $1-2 per Music Video.
Note: these prices are for renting, not buying, except for the Music Video.
If you want to watch FREE TV Shows on your computer, then head on over to Hulu.com, they also have a small selection of Movies to watch.
Lately I've been actually watching more movies and television then playing video games, probably because there is Red Box 1 block away from my house and I've been getting into all these new TV shows out there. Since I wanted to see the new American Pie movie on my TV and the Red Box does not have it, I decided to go to the Xbox Live Movie Marketplace, Zune. I searched for it, found it, refused to pay the outrageous fee for it. You get to keep the movie for 24 hours when renting after you pressed play. I used to rent from Zune because it was cheaper then heading down to Movie Gallery and picking one up there, after you added the gas price in with it.
I refused to pay for this movie because you have to pay 320MSP just for the Standard Definition, which adds up to around $4USD. I could easily just walk down a block and rent 4 new movies (not including tax) for the same price. Why do they think this is a good idea? Well it's Microsoft. I believe there TV Shows are the same way. It'd probably be cheaper just to go out and buy the Season on DvD (or blu-ray) and you could also watch it anytime, anywhere, anyplace you want. I think this is ridiculous and MS needs to revise there prices before it's too late, Red Box is taking over the Movie business.
Now the final part to the Zune is the Music Video section, and ohh-muh-gawd is it awful! You can watch the Music Videos for free through YouTube or you can set up the Media Center from your PC to the Xbox and watch some that way, at least I do. I think it's ridiculous (again) how you have to pay $1-$2 for a Music Video now, but when it first launched on the Pre-NXE it was free. I don't understand how things work in the media business but I know for a fact that these prices do not bring in a lot of revenue. Hell the Red vs Blue episodes cost money on Zune while you go to there site and you can watch for free, or even better yet, buy the Box Set and DvDs for a lot cheaper then what Zune offers. I'm hoping that Microsoft fixes the prices in the future to lower them, but that's like asking someone to jump off a mountain with no parachute. Would you do it?
That's it for now, stay tuned for the next rant which will be talking about the Xbox Live Game Marketplace, oh please help us.
Prices all come down to $4 per Standard Definition Movie, $2 per TV Show Episode, and $1-2 per Music Video.
Note: these prices are for renting, not buying, except for the Music Video.
If you want to watch FREE TV Shows on your computer, then head on over to Hulu.com, they also have a small selection of Movies to watch.

Aliens vs Predator Demo
This is just a reminder that the Aliens vs Predator Demo is set to hit the Xbox Live Marketplace on February 4th, same goes for the PSN and Steam. I highly recommend you try this demo since it looks amazing in the trailers. Once the demo hits I will give a brief post to what it's all about and what to expect, with videos and images. To find out a little more about this demo then head on over to there official news post.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Battlefield Bad Company 2 comes out on March 2nd and I can hardly wait, thankfully I'll have Aliens vs. Predator to pass the time. If you are a hXc Call of Duty fan then I highly recommend you download the BC2 demo right now. I used to be a CoD fan but MW2 is nothing compared to what CoD2 is and I don't think they'll ever be able to reach that peak again.
The Battlefield series are fun because they actually take skill to play, unlike other FPS, and yes I'm a big Halo Fanboy so I can say things like this. BC1 I was not a fan of because it was a downgrade in my opinion from Battlefield 2. The graphics were outstanding but the gameplay not so much. You'd shoot so many bullets from your LMG or even a shotgun and it would barely do anything, while in BC2 it seems as if they are in the right direction because it takes just the right amount of bullets to kill someone and the Sniper is perfect balance now.
In BC2 demo you can see how you can unlock attachments for your guns and vehicles, which I find amusing. Having a Red Dot Sight finally on your gun is going to come in handy, but in the demo you can not unlock any of that stuff besides 1 vehicle perk, which increases the accuracy of whatever you are firing. Also there seems to be more guns and 3 guns which I find really great edition to this game. The 3 guns are classics from the Battlefield 1943 arcade game. The M1A1 Sub-Machine Gun, M1 Semi-automatic Rifle, and the M1911 Pistol. These are all American guns from the demo since BC2 is about the Americans. It's going to be fun using these classic weapons, but the only way to get them is by getting the Collectors Edition which is the same price as normal right now and being a Veteran status for the M1 Semi-automatic Rifle. Most likely though down the road they will unlock these for everyone, just as they did for the original 5 from BC1.
There's a lot more to be said about Battlefield Bad Company 2 that I just don't feel like typing at the moment, so if you want to learn more about this game then download the demo or wait till it's release on the 2nd of March.
The Battlefield series are fun because they actually take skill to play, unlike other FPS, and yes I'm a big Halo Fanboy so I can say things like this. BC1 I was not a fan of because it was a downgrade in my opinion from Battlefield 2. The graphics were outstanding but the gameplay not so much. You'd shoot so many bullets from your LMG or even a shotgun and it would barely do anything, while in BC2 it seems as if they are in the right direction because it takes just the right amount of bullets to kill someone and the Sniper is perfect balance now.
In BC2 demo you can see how you can unlock attachments for your guns and vehicles, which I find amusing. Having a Red Dot Sight finally on your gun is going to come in handy, but in the demo you can not unlock any of that stuff besides 1 vehicle perk, which increases the accuracy of whatever you are firing. Also there seems to be more guns and 3 guns which I find really great edition to this game. The 3 guns are classics from the Battlefield 1943 arcade game. The M1A1 Sub-Machine Gun, M1 Semi-automatic Rifle, and the M1911 Pistol. These are all American guns from the demo since BC2 is about the Americans. It's going to be fun using these classic weapons, but the only way to get them is by getting the Collectors Edition which is the same price as normal right now and being a Veteran status for the M1 Semi-automatic Rifle. Most likely though down the road they will unlock these for everyone, just as they did for the original 5 from BC1.
There's a lot more to be said about Battlefield Bad Company 2 that I just don't feel like typing at the moment, so if you want to learn more about this game then download the demo or wait till it's release on the 2nd of March.
The Battlefield Bad Company 2 Limited Edition comes with:
- 4 x Vehicle Warfare Unlocks
- Improved Vehicle Armor – An Up-Armor package mounted on all vehicle types decreases the effect of both explosive and penetrating warheads, significantly improving vehicle survivability.
- Vehicle Alternate Fire - Additional weapon packages mounted for the driver of all armored vehicles, greatly expands the range of targets the vehicle can successfully engage and destroy.
- Vehicle Motion Sensor – Upgraded Sensor to locate enemy units in direct proximity to the vehicle.
- Tracer Dart Pistol – Launched by compressed air, this magnetic dart attaches to any vehicle surface, allows friendly shoulder launched rockets to lock on to and track moving targets even beyond line of sight.
- 2 x Classic Battlefield 1943 Weapons
- M1A1 Submachine Gun – Popular with Paratrooper and Commando units in WW2 for its rate of fire and stopping power the M1A1 is still seen in the hands of paramilitaries today. Reliable but heavy, this classic weapon is still a powerful force in the hands of a Battlefield Veteran.
- M1911 Pistol – Adopted in 1911 by the US Army the M1911 saw heavy service in WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam. Highly customized M1911 are still favored by Special Operations forces for its reliability and the power of its large .45 caliber round
Reserve Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and receive:
- Instant access to the AKS-74 assault rifle for multiplayer action. Firing over 650 rounds a minute, this deadly beauty will give you maximum pwnage over your friends and enemies.

The Behemoth #3 Game -Revealed
Yesterday The Behemoth finally decided to officially reveal the Trailer to there 3rd game called that everyone has been dying to see. It was suppose to be released last year but I guess a month late is better then a year or more late? Valve for instance. The game does and does not look the same as there famous XBLA game, Castle Crashers, but it still looks fun to play and I can't wait to purchase it.
A story about friendship, betrayal, and a whole truck load of cats.
A story about friendship, betrayal, and a whole truck load of cats.
Having shipwrecked on a mysterious island you find yourself both betrayed by your best friend Hatty and captured by the locals. All of this is happening while being forced into deadly performances. This however, is just the start of your problems.
BattleBlock Theater is our upcoming third title for the Xbox Live Arcade. Website to follow in the next few days and as we inch closer to the release of the title we’ll be unfolding more of the story online.

Monday, February 01, 2010
Welcome to Emfulz.com
Emfulz.com will be my personal blog but with a twist. What I mean is that instead of rambling random stuff like most people do on blogs, I will be rambling about Entertainment. You'll find Gaming news, reviews, videos, screenshots. The same thing with the Media side. You'll see news, reviews, videos, and screenshots for TV Shows, Movies, and Music I like. Very rarely will you see anything about Books, as I do not read them often.
So mostly this site is just to keep someone busy for the hour, that is once this site has enough content. :) Also I haven't decided if I want to let the Forum plugin to have guests post or just registered. You tell me in the comments below, and I'll decide. Thank you.
So mostly this site is just to keep someone busy for the hour, that is once this site has enough content. :) Also I haven't decided if I want to let the Forum plugin to have guests post or just registered. You tell me in the comments below, and I'll decide. Thank you.

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