Mass Effect: Redemption is a four-issue comic series, written by BioWare Lead Writer Mac Walters, scripted by John Jackson Miller, and drawn by Omar Francia. It was announced on July 21, 2009, and the first issue was released on January 6, 2010. The first issue is also available to those who order the Mass Effect 2 Collector's Edition.
The story takes readers through the events leading up to Mass Effect 2. "The narrative in Mass Effect: Redemption picks up just as Commander Shepard disappears and is left without the support of the crew on the Normandy in the lawless Terminus Systems. Shepard must fight for survival, and will be assisted by close companion, Dr. Liara T'Soni, to come home alive." The events that follow will expose readers to new locations, aliens and extended storyline in the Mass Effect universe. The cover for Issue #2 features a new and soon-to-be-revealed salarian character, while the picture of a drell character is featured on the cover of issue #3. Via: Mass Effect Wiki
I got lucky and found a Limited Collector's Edition of Mass Effect 2 stashed away at Wal-Mart, so I decided to grab it. I haven't played Mass Effect 1 but I picked that up as a Platinum Hits so I can start where the story began. I say that this is an excellent RPG and wish I would have gotten into it when it first came out so I could of grabbed its Collector's Edition. While I read the 1st comic book that came with my Mass Effect 2 I decided to call my local Comic shop and have to order the 2nd. So this Wednesday I'll be grabbing the second and will be happy on that part. Where I'm getting on at this is that if you like Mass Effect then I recommend you get these comics since it's telling the gab between 1 and 2, which is really nice. I'll post more info on this comic book once I have read #2 or might as well wait till the final one, #4.
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