Hello and welcome to a one time segment of, Blogs of the Dead. Where we (as in I) talk about the death of blogs, from my point of view.
I used to see blogs as a public way to vent but on the internet. What I mean by venting is to post whatever your heart desires. From posting about your favorite band, to what you did that week, or how Hulu Plus is pissing me off right as I type this. The damn thing keeps stopping and I'm about to cancel the piece of shit. Well anyways is was your own page and you could do whatever you want. It was basically and still is a place to call your own or home when you are online. Some people use Blogs for so much more than just a personal use like I do, to talk about non sense. I do see blogs dying but I don't see them disappearing, just dwindling.
On to the matter of the subject that I am appointing to. What I mean by them dwindling is that Facebook pages and Twitter has taken blogging to a whole new level. They call Twitter micro blogging and Facebook it self is considered something like that. Tumblr took it to a whole new level by incorporating the easy post and feeds but while anyone can get a Facebook page, it seems like you can get a better group of followers through their instead of redirecting everyone to a different website outside of the comfort zone of Facebook. There are still many popular blogs out there that probably get more followers than a decent Facebook page, but in sense you see people making pages instead of blogs now a days.
I made a Facebook page but never got around to using it. I'd rather post crap on here where maybe 1 person reads a year since it makes me feel all special like. Posting more often would probably net me more people coming to my blog but I tend to only post once a week and sometimes less than that, it all depends on what life has given me around that time.
This was a small vent but to anyone that reads my blog, what is your input on blogs and Facebook pages? Do you agree with me or do you think they are as popular as they were 5 years ago?
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